Share the Ventura County Places, Spaces, People and Scenes that Move and Inspire You!

From galleries to car shows, murals to music, we want to know what inspires you and how you inspire! By sharing your favorite cultural assets, you’ll help us understand how everyday residents participate in arts culture in our county.

Asset Map

An important part of our strategic planning process is learning how our community participates in the cultural and creative arts across our county.  We want to know what events, locations, and experiences are important for you and your friends and family.

This map will help us understand all the “assets” that are important to our community.  This is not limited to museums, theaters, and art galleries-  we also want to know about things like:

  • Car Shows
  • Best Places to Dance (or the best DJ!) 
  • A Favorite Mural
  • The First Place your Band Played 
  • Open Mics
  • Where You Connect with Your Heritage

From Barbershops to Book Clubs to Ink spots and knitting circles…  you get the idea!

Asset mapping is a way to catalog all arts and cultural resources in a community. By having the community share their favorite events, places, and experiences, we can get a clear picture of what makes our county unique.

It’s like creating a treasure map of all the things that makes Ventura County so special.  And we’ll be able develop ways to support and nurture these activities and places now and in the future.

VC Creates Asset Map Entry Instructions:

First please visit the survey form it will open the link in a new page.  

Essential Details

  1. Start with the name of your location or event in the “Name” field
  2. Choose the best venue type from the dropdown (like Museum, Gallery, Theater, etc.).  If you can’t find the exact type, either use the “other” field or chose the best fit. 
  3. Select all artistic disciplines that apply to your venue – don’t worry about picking just one if several apply!

Tell Us More

  • Share a brief description of the asset and why its important to you. 
  • Let us know if it’s indoor, outdoor, or both
  • Add any relevant tags like “Music Festival” or “Art Show” that help describe your asset.
  • Share up to 5 photos that show what makes this place special
  • Include the website if there is one 

Location & Accessibility

  • Use the interactive map to mark your location – you can either:
    • Click directly on the map
    • Use the “Find my location” button
    • Drag the pin to adjust the exact spot
  • Tell us who this venue is suitable for (children, teens, adults, seniors)
  • Indicate whether it’s free, paid, or offers both options

Contact Info

This information will not be publicaly displayed, but you are free to add:

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • Any additional notes or details you think visitors should know 

Once you’re all done, you can view the map here.

You can submit as many entries as you like, so don’t limit yourself to just one. 

And don’t worry if someone already submitted an entry. Please submit it again and let us know why it is special to you!

Please note, entries will be reviewed in batches, so it may take a couple of days to publish your asset. 

If you have any questions, please email